Digital Sovereignty: GAFAM, BATX, and … the European Union?

DIGITAL SOVEREIGNTY: GAFAM, BATX, AND … THE EUROPEAN UNION?29-03-2021Covid-19 exacerbated societies’ dependency on technologies. They now are crucial to building economic, social, and health resilience in the European Union.

BATX, for Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Xiaomi, and GAFAM, for Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft are the mastodons of the new technologies sector. Nine firms are enough to dominate and assert authority over a global market. If their upbringing contrasts them, BATX and GAFAM do share similarities of importance in respect to the EU’s digital sovereignty. In digital innovation, they take the lead, strong of unprecedented market capitalization which allows them to invest massively in R&D.


Source: Digital Sovereignty: GAFAM, BATX, and … the European Union?